If you're in a rush, you can skip freezing the watermelon. But you can't get around the 1 hour soaking time — you want that booze, don't you!


1/2 watermelon, cut into wedges
1/2 c. granulated sugar
12 fresh mint leaves
3 limes, cut into wedges
1 1/2 c. white rum
Lime zest, for garnish
Chopped mint, for garnish


    1. Add sugar, mint, and lime wedges to bottom of a large dish. Using a muddler or the back of a spoon, break up mint and lime to release mint oils and lime juice. Pour rum over and stir to combine.

     2. Add watermelon to rum mixture and let soak 1 hour. 

     3. Line 2 large baking sheets with parchment paper. Remove watermelon from rum mixture and brush off any mint leaves. With a paring knife, make one small cut into rind of each watermelon wedge and gently push popsicle sticks into place. Arrange in a single layer on prepared baking sheets. Freeze until solid, at least 2 hours. 

     4. Serve watermelon popsicles garnished with lime zest and chopped mint.